Touch eternity

Friends, we touch eternity sounds ethereal, but I’ve heard from many as I conduct orientation- once we are in the class there’s a patch that we could touch, leave aside eternity. Could we just sit back and think about the number of lives touched through our services?
I am sure at this moment each one has a beautiful smile on their face reminiscing the cherished moments. It’s through your smile, through that extra effort put to understand the child and help him overcome his fears, the values you instilled, and the life skills you develop in them they bear fruits with the seeds that you had sown. The gentle touch on a child’s head as you walked through the class, a call to the child- do you need help to perform better? The extra hours invested to help him succeed…

We are so engrossed in meeting daily that, somewhere these little things that matter the most are lost and we forget that we are perpetual with them through the ways we touched them, and in turn, they too try to help someone in need as they grow in life.

On this day let’s decide to think about the bigger picture and touch eternity.

Let’s breathe life in our children and help them to contribute to touching eternity through their deeds too…