'Live in the moment, not in months'

“The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.” – Rabindranath Tagore

This quote has pierced deep within me and every time there’s something that goes beyond my control and catalysts my emotions I remind myself of this quote. We are so engaged in planning the prospect that we neglect to live the moment we are endowed with. The hustle-bustle within us and the commotion around us don’t leave any domain to realise we can paint this moment with smiles and serenity. We have the autonomy to bring peace to ourselves and our relationships at this moment by taking a stride and expressing ourselves, we can give hope to the person beside us, and we can make someone feel loved and cared for through our words. For this, we need to live in the moment. Remember, now is the time we never know what the future beholds.
Today, leave no stone unturned to speak to your loved ones, reconcile with people around you, see the goodness in all, to share the peace and love of God through your existence. Set yourself free and be light-hearted and live each moment.